Hunter College H.S. Holocaust Survivors

Personal Accounts - Photos and Documents

Hannah Razdow(itz) Simon, June '54

A flyer posted by the Germans when they took over all of France on Nov. 11, 1942. It is signed by Adolf Hitler and addresses to French soldiers and officers. The first paragraph gives their version of who is responsible for this war!

Nazi flier.jpg (228278 bytes)

In uniform.
St. Cergues, Switzerland
Oma St. Cergues.jpg (80914 bytes)
Hannah and her sister, sledding.  Their grandfather looks on.
St. Cergues, Switzerland

St Cerg sled.jpg (40382 bytes)



Hannah and her sister, on a balcony of the apartment in Geneva. Their hair was fixed up in the style that the local kids wore.
Geneva, Switzerland

sisters in Geneva.jpg (87763 bytes)

School graduation.
Geneva, Switzerland

Geneva School.jpg (78021 bytes)

Informations-dienst. The first page of the first edition under Hannah's father's editorship. His name is mentioned in one of the articles. The paper had items in German, French, Italian and English.

Informationsdiesnt.jpg (197764 bytes)

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